The Advantages of Tarmac in Creating Smooth Newbuild Roadways

The Advantages of Tarmac in Creating Smooth Newbuild Roadways

When planning and constructing newbuild roadways, the choice of surfacing material is crucial. It determines not only the durability and longevity of the road but also the comfort and safety of those who use it. At Ipswich Driveway Solutions, we advocate for the use of tarmac in newbuild roadways, particularly in Ipswich, Suffolk, where its benefits are especially evident. In this blog post, we explore the advantages of tarmac in creating smooth and reliable roadways for new developments.

Durability and Longevity

One of the primary reasons tarmac is a preferred material for road construction is its durability. Tarmac, also known as asphalt, is designed to withstand heavy traffic loads and adverse weather conditions without deteriorating. Its flexibility allows it to expand and contract with temperature changes, reducing the risk of cracks and potholes. For newbuild roadways, this means a longer lifespan with fewer repairs, ultimately reducing maintenance costs over time.

Smooth and Safe Surface

A smooth road surface is essential for both driver comfort and vehicle safety. Tarmac provides a seamless, even surface that minimises the risk of skidding, particularly in wet conditions. This makes it an ideal choice for newbuild roadways, where safety is a top priority. The smoothness of tarmac also contributes to a quieter driving experience, reducing noise pollution in residential areas.

Quick Installation and Cost-Effectiveness

Time is often of the essence in new construction projects, and tarmac offers the advantage of quick installation. It can be laid and compacted rapidly, allowing roads to be completed on schedule and opened to traffic sooner than other materials might allow. This efficiency translates into cost savings, both in terms of labour and project timelines. Additionally, tarmac’s relatively low cost compared to other surfacing materials makes it a budget-friendly option for developers.

Environmentally Friendly Option

In today’s construction industry, sustainability is a growing concern. Tarmac is an environmentally friendly choice for road construction, as it is 100% recyclable. Old tarmac can be removed, processed, and reused in new projects, reducing the demand for raw materials and minimising waste. This recycling capability aligns with the increasing emphasis on sustainable practices in newbuild developments.

Low Maintenance Requirements

Once laid, tarmac requires minimal maintenance to remain in excellent condition. Its resistance to weathering and wear means that newbuild roadways surfaced with tarmac will need fewer repairs over their lifespan. Regular cleaning and occasional resealing are typically sufficient to keep the road looking and performing well, making it a cost-effective solution for long-term maintenance.

Versatility in Application

Tarmac is not only suitable for large roadways but also for smaller access roads, footpaths, and parking areas within new developments. Its versatility means that developers can use a consistent material across different types of surfaces, creating a cohesive look and feel throughout the project. This uniformity can enhance the overall aesthetic of a newbuild estate, contributing to its appeal to prospective buyers or tenants.


Tarmac offers numerous advantages in the construction of newbuild roadways, from its durability and quick installation to its environmental benefits and low maintenance requirements. At Ipswich Driveway Solutions, we specialise in delivering high-quality tarmac surfaces that meet the demands of modern developments in Ipswich, Suffolk. Whether you are planning a large residential estate or a small access road, our expertise in tarmac installation ensures a smooth, safe, and long-lasting roadway that adds value to your project. Contact us today to discuss your options and get started on creating your durable roadways.

This is a tarmac driveway that is in the process of being dug out and installed by Ipswich Driveway Solutions

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